Event system

The following syscalls are used in the event system, including events that can be sent to other processes.

kill(pid: number, signal: number)

Sends a signal to another process.


  1. pid: The ID of the process to send to
  2. signal: The signal ID to send

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The target process ID does not exist.
  • The current user does not have permission to send a signal to the target.
    • The target process must be under the same user as the current one.
    • If the current process is running as root, it may send a signal to any process.

signal(signal: number, handler: function(signal: number))

Registers a handler function to be called for a signal.


  1. signal: The signal ID to register for.
  2. handler: The handler function to call, which takes the signal ID as its only argument.

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall does not throw errors.

queueEvent(name: string, params: table)

Queues an arbitrary event to be sent back to the current process.


  1. name: The name of the event to send.
  2. params: The parameter list to send in the event.

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall does not throw errors.

sendEvent(pid: number, name: string, params: any)

Queues a remote event to be sent to another process.


  1. pid: The ID of the process to send to.
  2. name: The name of the remote event to send.
  3. params: The data to send with the event.

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall does not throw errors.

timer(timeout: number): number

Sets a timer that will send a timer event after the specified number of seconds.


  1. timeout: The amount of time to set the timer for.

Return Values

The ID of the new timer created.


This syscall does not throw errors.

alarm(timeout: number): number

Sets an alarm that will send an alarm event at the specified time.


  1. timeout: The time to set the alarm to.

Return Values

The ID of the new alarm created.


This syscall does not throw errors.

cancel(tm: number)

Cancels a previously set timer or alarm.


  1. tm: The ID of the timer or alarm to cancel.

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall does not throw errors.