Hardware interfaces

These syscalls provide interfaces for interacting with the hardware (including drivers), as well as some miscellaneous functionality to interact with the physical computer.

devlookup(name: string): string...

Returns all paths to devices that have the specified node name. If a path or UUID is specified, returns the path of the singular device node.


  1. name: The device name to search for

Return Values

The path to each node in the device tree that has the specified name.


This syscall does not throw any errors.

devfind(type: string): string...

Returns all paths to devices that have the specified type implemented.


  1. name: The device type to search for

Return Values

The path to each node in the device tree that has the specified type.


This syscall does not throw any errors.

devinfo(device: string): table?

Returns a table with information describing a device node.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to look up

Return Values

A table with the following information:

type HWInfo = {
    id: string,                // Device hardware ID
    uuid: string,              // Assigned UUID
    alias: string?,            // User-specified alias
    parent: string,            // Path to parent device
    displayName: string,       // Display name for users
    types: {[string]: string}, // Types of devices implemented: type = driver name
    metadata: Object           // Extra static metadata provided by drivers

If the device does not exist, this returns nil.


This syscall does not throw any errors.

devalias(device: string, alias: string?)

Sets or removes an alias for a device.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to modify
  2. alias: The new alias to set (nil to remove)

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.

devmethods(device: string): [string]

Returns a list of methods that can be called on this device.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to look up

Return Values

A list of valid methods that can be called.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.

devproperties(device: string): [string]

Returns a list of properties on the device.

Properties are intended for use by wrapper APIs (such as libsystem.hardware), and specify an alternate name for a corresponding get<Property> method. To retrieve the property, capitalize the first character of the property name, prepend get to the name, and call that method on the device with no arguments. To set the property, first check for a set<Property> method in the same format as get, then call that method with one argument (the new value). If no set method is available, then that property is read-only.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to look up

Return Values

A list of properties that are available. This table may be empty.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.

devchildren(device: string): [string]

Returns a list of names of all children of the current device.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to look up

Return Values

A list of child names, in an unspecified order. This table may be empty.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.

devcall(device: string, method: string, ...: any): any...

Calls the specified method on the device with arguments.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to operate on
  2. method: The name of the method to call
  3. ...: Any arguments to pass to the method

Return Values

All values returned from the method.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.
  • Another process has locked this device.
  • The specified method does not exist on the device.
  • The method threw an error while executing.

devlisten(device: string, state: boolean = true)

Enables (or disables) listening for events from this device.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to operate on
  2. state: true to allow events to be passed to this process; false to stop events from being sent

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.

devlock(device: string, wait: boolean = true): boolean

Locks the specified device to this process. This prevents any calls to the device from other processes, and will suppress events from being sent to other processes. If the current process already owns the lock, this syscall returns true immediately. (It does not act like a recursive mutex in this case - only one unlock is required no matter how many times it’s locked.)


  1. device: The device path or UUID to operate on
  2. wait: true to wait for the lock to be released before returning; false to return immediately if the lock is already owned by another process

Return Values

true if the current process now owns the lock; false otherwise.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.

devunlock(device: string)

Unlocks the specified device, allowing access to the device in other processes. This syscall does nothing if the device is not locked.


  1. device: The device path or UUID to operate on

Return Values

This syscall does not return anything.


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The specified device does not exist.
  • Another process has locked this device.

attach(side: string|number, type: string, args...: any): boolean, string?

If using an emulator, attaches a peripheral of the specified type to the computer. This syscall requires root.


  1. side: The side to attach to, or an ID to attach as
  2. type: The type of peripheral to attach. The peripherals use standard CC/CraftOS-PC naming.
  3. args...: Any arguments to pass to the peripheral constructor

Return Values

  1. Whether the attachment succeeded
  2. If it failed, an optional error message (this may be nil!)


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The user is not root.

detach(side: string|number): boolean, string?

If using an emulator, detaches a peripheral from a side. This syscall requires root.


  1. side: The side or ID to detach

Return Values

  1. Whether the detachment succeeded
  2. If it failed, an optional error message (this may be nil!)


This syscall may throw an error if:

  • The user is not root.

version(buildnum: boolean?): string

Returns the Phoenix version or build number.


  1. buildnum: true to return the minor build string/information, false to return the version number

cchost(): string

Returns the value of the _HOST variable.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The value of _HOST, which is in the format ComputerCraft [0-9%.]+ %b().


This syscall does not throw any errors.

uptime(): number

Returns the amount of time the computer has been running.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

The amount of time the computer has been running in seconds.


This syscall does not throw any errors.

kernargs(): table

Returns the command-line arguments passed when starting the kernel.


This syscall does not take any arguments.

Return Values

A key-value table of kernel arguments.


This syscall does not throw any errors.